Sarah B. ~ Corporate Director, Total Woman Gym & Day Spa

September 18, 2014

We are so excited to be offering the Muscle and Joint pain therapy to each and every client this month. Exposing these remedies to up to 600 clients in each location has naturally had a direct impact on retail sales as the therapists recommend different home care regimens incorporating Jade.  Those that have enjoyed the enhancement have also inquired about the detox line.  It has opened a line of communication and an opportunity to educate clients about products that they can continue to use at home to prolong their treatment.

The Muscle and Joint Massage Enhancement has been the perfect tie in with our gym members and their daily regimen. It adds that extra therapeutic touch to their Signature Massage by targeting their key area of concern from working out.

The Detox Treatments have been the massage therapists’ favorite treatment by far. We have created events incorporating an Express Detox as well as adding on a Foot Detoxifying Soak to each massage.  Our therapists love the results it gives their members and it’s a perfect regimen to set up a member while they are working out!